Saturday, 29 December 2012


Resolutions? yeah I make them every year but after last year's new year fiasco they all went to pot and 'don't be a pushover' went right out the window, once again I'm back with a few new monstrosities that I plan on welcoming into my life throughout 2013, if they happen 'chiiing' if they don'

New Tattoo's? -  Yep! after seeing my boyfriends recent ink's I have now decided to brave the needle and have my own inks done,so decided on a smallish swallow on the edge of my wrist and an imprinted garter around my thigh, At the moment I' seem to have a thing for sleeves....maybe in the future...

Hair - As the usual Willoo tradition, I plan on doing alot with my hair this year, I normally spend the winter season blonde however, due to circumstances within a previous relationship I hit a real low point and lost my self black my hair went...2013 will consist of sorting my hair out, having it lightened and restored back to its original colour!

More bands? -  Yep! Im definitely hoping to attend more festivals/bands/gigs this year!, 
Unfortunately I havent been able to listen to a few of my usual bands due to past experiences, myself and matt don't share many music tastes so 2013 will be spent introducing him to 'proper metal and rock'.

Beating anxiety/ doing more 'couple' things - In all honesty, this year has been utter hell concerning my anxiety condition, due to my loss of appetite and developing anaemia, I've avoided and probably missed out on alot of 'couple things' with matt because of lack of confidence, anxiety and sickness. With regret! this will soon be undergoing some changes!.

Colour - Looking through my wardrobe collection I've recently noticed my main man 'black' has played a huge role within my clothing, I'm hoping to slowly encourage more colour into my wardrobe and appearence,   especially in the pastie' area!.

Heels? - With a few special events coming up for 2013 I shall surely soon be investing in some worthwhile shoes to fit my little tootsies into!, in fact! at some point possibly a shopping spree to buy as many heels as the car will fit!, who knows, they may come in useful for some future acts!.

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