Wednesday, 22 May 2013
A week in photo's : Japfest 2013
So I probably haven't been in everyone's goodbooks lately since it's been aaages since I actually wrote or made a proper blogpost...however my valid excuse is because I've been busy in all other prospects of life (mainly the boring ones!:( ) but anyway less bore more ooh' yeah?'...
My lovely other half Matt has as known as the apparent 'trait of men' The car obssession. luckily for me it doesn't bother me at all as it would other girls..the prospect of a mechanic who talks about cars 24/7 can sometimes be their worst nightmare...but for's just completely where to start?.
Car's have always been an interest to me since growing up, my grandfather and father were always the keen ;lets restore this classic' type people, and throughout my teenage life I struggled in relationships with guy's who thought car's were 'annoying or stupid'....that being of course until Matt came along..his first car being a standard focus that he hated and had tried to modify it to his taste...then his blue honda civic (the red wheeled one)..Matt thinks/breathes/eats/drinks this civic..and obviously being the 'keenie' decided it was time to show it's various completions at Japfest..
For those who aren't aware it's like a show for japanese cars only..with regular races/drifts around castle coombe racetrack..I'm not the 'racing' type fact after crashing when I first began driving I can barely face going over 80 at a push (wimp! I hear you say!)..
But for Matt its every car obssessed guy's dream..alot of girls probably think of carshows as being a complete nightmare..but for me its purely exciting..(apart from the miles of walking!) its rare but on this occasion we both realised how strong our bond actually was and how close we were as a couple....We've had critism from various others in the past..but it never affects our bond with one another..
Moral of the post? ..Do what you want to do, enjoy what you enjoy and never let anyone stop you or judge you about it..'
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
Tag of the day (Our Story)
So I see this tag everywhere and thought why not give it a shot?..
The tag being about how you met that special it your husband, boyfriend, family member, pet?...
Kettle on? Okay lets go.....
This is Matthew, I like to call him Maffy, Mooble and various other names..which will remain in silence (jeeez)
We met in September 2008 at a Secondary school in Wales. Of which we were (very reluctantly) placed to sit together...(Being the beauty obssessed girl I was back then )I always carried a bag of makeup..and a tin of vaseline...Matt, being a very tormentive person..would empty my entire makeup bag....every single lesson...along with taking over the entire (small) table...and would roll the vaseline tin back and forth along the table..until it landed on the floor...he would do this until it was completely covered in dent. It definately wasn't love at first sight! I hated him and he..hated me..
As the year went on we started becoming good friends..and deepdown feeling's started to bubble...although at the time it was abit embarrassing to admit anything back then! ..I thought he was stupidly good loooking! and probably went through a year of 'fancying' him from then onwards..
Anyway the year's went on and we left school,got on with our daily lives and didn't hear from one another again...Matt had his fair share of girlfriends and I wasn't until a year later I started restoring a car he decided to have a chat....
Matt is a car obssessed fact...he probably has his own 'obssession' catagory . He hates loud people..indian food and french cars and likes being in a small group of people, japanese and furious..and kebabs ( I only realised this when he ordered the same meal on most nights out!)
Sadly as me and Matt grew to be closer friends I then began hanging around with a rather 'wrong' group of people...I spent a few months with them and eventually one of them decided they'd like to impend on a relationship with wrong I was on that one! the 'guy' went from being a real understanding dude to becoming a violently abusive person' in the space of a few weeks...I soon began to realise that it wasn't this guy I was Matt.....and quite frankly...if it hadn't been for Matt I probably wouldn't be here or where I am today..he stood up for me, built my confidence,encouraged me that my life wasn't over and helped me to get back onto my feet and start my life again....and so I did.
Just under a few months later and we were an item! If I remember rightly...we were sat watching a film one evening and Matt spontaniously told me he wanted a relationship..'I've never done it face to face before only over text'
So...just under 9 years later and here we are, after nearly an entire year of being in loooove. My favourite thing about him is his ability to see the funny side of things. He puts up with a terrible lot from me! That's something worthy of a medal!.
So I'm tagging everyone in this tag and that's including you!,
feel free to link me back to your tags! I'd love to read! :)
Saturday, 27 April 2013
Everyday Products : Hair, Makeup etc ♥
So recently I've had a few spiffing requests on my everyday products and whatnot, and since being asked I've just been putting it off and putting it off until TODAY ...which is great news on the motivation front....kinda.
I can't say I'm the most pristine 'do the same thing everyday' person...purely because I might wake up one day and just feel lazy, or on the other hand I could be running off everywhere..but most day's/evening's I'm lucky enough to be able to sit down or snuggle in with Matt and some pamper treats..
Hair : Since its nearly summer I've been abit 'Waddup!' on the highlights front....being a hairstylist myself...I can proudly say my hair has always and more recently been in great condition, after twiddledumming it down to the salon I persisted with a fullhead of highlights and decided my 'summer style' would be long and blonde ..every morning I'm always sure to rinse it through with a toner, followed by morrocan oil shampoo/conditioner, and then it get's to dry naturally' with a bit of texturizing spray spritzed in for the day...lucky thing..
Nails : I've never been one to bite my nails but they've always been rather weak so its been all fronts with the nail strengthner these past few months...right now they're looking long and mighty fine. I've managed to keep them regularly moisturised and filed correctly..always using a base/topcoat, chucking on some NYC SPEEDDRY' and then buffing around with a spot of vaseline to keep them cuticles looking spendid.
Face : ahhh what a joke...nahh I kid I kid...because of coming off some medication recently my face has seen a sorry state, but luck definately decided to aim my way these past few weeks and my fellow breakouts have nearly cleaned up their act and left my face feeling rather 'refreshed'..I don't normally like to wear alot of makeup but this weeks 'facial fiasco' has been 'abit of mascara, blusher,brow's filled in, and a smear of vaseline on the lips and underneath my eyes... ahh vaseline has it's many uses !can't go wrong!.
Thursday, 25 April 2013
A week in pictures
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
20 things you never knew...
20 things you never knew about me :)
1. I don't like peanut butter.
2. I'm abit OCD when it comes to using anti bacterial wipes in public places/facilities.
3. I don't like driving in cities.
4. I have a 5 month old nephew called Cayden.
5. My boyfriend is obssessed with modified cars.
6.I love vintage films.
7. I've met Lady Gaga, Fred Dibnah,Nigella Lawson,Ferne Cotton and most of the Animal Surfing Team.
8. I spend mostly all my summer in the sea.
9. I hate being ignored.
10. I love studying.
11. I love black
12. I'm british
13. I'm a very ambitious person.
14. Miranda hart is one of my inspirations.
15.Most of my daily inspirational quotes are sourced from Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn.
16.I'm a huge fan of the 1940's.
17. To me, the 1940's and 1980's were the best eras.
18.My favourite film is Waynes world
19. I love heels more than food.
20.My favourite food being dairy milk chocolate
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Scrubbing up!
So I should probably start with an apology considering I haven't done a post in a loong reasons for this are family and relationship/working commitments that I've been pretty tied up in recently, however I thought I'd drop in with a spanking new post about my favourite scrubber.....yes I went there!.
I simply cannot promote this enough, although probably a little pricey it's worth the money in my purse, shea butter....hmm...I thought...hastily grabbing the nearest one..needless to say I was exactly impressed when I got in the car...until I opened the lid.......dun dun duuuuun! simply beautiful, the actual scrub itself looks abit uninviting though, but it left my skin whining for more, ladies and gentlemen it is simple sex to the skin!
Alot of scrubs I've reviewed are usually real harsh, or feel nice on the skin yet do a cr*p job, but this one does nearly everything it says on the tin, I say nearly...if you're not the biggest fan of gloopy mixtures then this probably won't be your cup of tea but for the most part it smells divine and does a great job on my skin, to get the best advantage it's probably worth using about once a week, but it does a brilliant job of becoming my alarm clock wakeup in the shower most mornings!.
If you fancy a nibble of this lovely stuff you can find it here-..
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Motivational Wednesday ;
Spring is well and truly underway, if a little cold! and so I thought I'd share a rare few of my goals and aims for the next and upcoming month!.
Reading - Seems to have finally popped up in my March events to do, So far I've jumped on the nerd wagon with 'Pride and Prejudice' afar from saying ' it was's actually not a bad book...more suited to those 'romantic and inspiring folks' I think.
Walk more - Instead of taking the car everywhere and being lazy, and saving petrol and being an 'eco warrior' at the same win situation.
Less concious of judgemental people - Those who knew me last year learnt to know I constantly worried about what people thought of my appearance and whatnot, I'm starting to learn other people's opinions aren't important...moreso than my own.
Choosing homeopathic remedies for Anxiety disorder - Instead of going out thinking ' oh panic I'll never cope with it' I've learnt to use more remedies to help calm me in nervous moments, Mint herbal tea, mint chewing gum, lavender and cammomile spray are among a few.
Opening up to people - As one I was never exactly brilliant at opening up to people, I found the more I was around a stranger the more nervous I became, slowly I've learnt to open up and explain my situations, worries or problems to those close to me, has helped alot and has relieved a few things of my chest , 'Dont be scared to ask somone for help, they've probably experienced what your'e experiencing right now'.
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
A snippet of my day
Monday, 18 March 2013
Avon Makeup l Lipsticks
There may not be a vast array to choose from, but what they do have, is of excellent value for money, and spot on in my book. But when an Avon book was dropped through my letterbox on a dreary monday morning it came along at the right time, and injected a bit of excitement back into my makeup draw, without myself having to break the bank.
I'm going to do a series of blog posts on the different items from my own Makeup range, but first up, is my most billionth favourite, the lipsticks.
I'm going to do a series of blog posts on the different items from my own Makeup range, but first up, is my most billionth favourite, the lipsticks.
When most of my favourite makup companies suckered up the price of their lipsticks to £13.50, I knew it was probably time to find a new less pricey one, as when it comes to lipsticks I can't help myself but couldn't carry on buying them at £13.50 a shot. Avon lipsticks are simply perfect, I can barely fault them. Sophisticated yet simple and sturdy packaging made of good quality plastic, rounded with flat top and bottom, so its easy to store standing upright. They have names. Yep! a tad bit wierd, when blogging about lipstick, but without them they have no personality, instead they seem mass produced, they almost lack in personality... They have great pigmentation and a strong bold colour also have great staying power,without drying you're lips out, And the best thing? £2.50 to £5.00 a shot..fabulous and worth every penny!
Sunday, 10 March 2013
A bad day in Willoo Land! Goodbye Harry!
Those who review my blog regularly will be interigued to read this particular post relating to my beloved wonderful cat 'Harry'..
After 11 and a half long but wonderful years of his life, This morning,Harry began having fits, only to sadly pass away this afternoon after having a heart attack, he spent his final moments being surrounded by family and love, ....this will explain my rather sudden decrease in blogposts, because as you can imagine this is quite an upsetting time for me and a few members of my family.
You'll always get people out there who think ' pft..but its just a cat? ' but these tiny little feline beings can have rather a huge impact on a person's life, overtime you grow to form such a bond with them its almost 'mother like'..
However, on a more positive note, I am really glad I rescued him from the shivering poor state he was in as a kitten at the rescue centre and grew into the wonderful and affectionate cat he was!, he will now be buried with a little named headstone within a family member's garden, and will be remembered for years to come!.
RIP Harry, gone but never forgotten ♥
Friday, 8 March 2013
VIBRANT VIEWS: Panic attacks and Anxiety - Driving
Alot of people tend to ask the same questions everyday...What is anxiety and how can I deal with it? Anxiety is a rather intimidating emotion to feel, a feeling that cannot be controlled & you are unaware of it creeping up on you. Different levels of anxiety lie in all of us all the time.''
I have suffered with Anxiety and Panic attacks for over 3 years now, I have always been anxious..but not on the same remote scale as I am or have been within the past few days....I've always been an anxious person, however after coming out of a controlling,violently abusive relationship last year anxiety took it's toll and became worse...Luckily a few close friends and family recognised the problem and I was referred to my local doctor..who after diagnosis of GAD ( Generalized anxiety disorder ) who in all absaloute honesty were completely useless...''Well we dont want to put you on medication so you'll just have to deal with it I'm afraid''....Stuff it I thought..I'll get on with it and deal with it myself..
Recently a few people have come forward to me with questions on how to deal with learning to drive, facing a theory test or just driving in general....since google wasn't much help I decided to give a few hints and tips on what and how to deal with overcoming anxiety in these specific situations''
Booking your Theory Test
In all honesty I think revising my theory and then actually 'booking it' was the most daunting part for me, I became so anxious, throwing up, panicking, to the point where any liquid's I drank just came straight back up. The thought of going into a building I'd never been in or to before and having to do the exam with people I'd never met in my entire life was nearly enough to end me, Luckily I passed first time on a stroke of luck I like to think.
I'm worried about failing my theory, what if the questions are too hard and it all goes wrong?
Before booking my theory I took a month to revise,watching the theory test examples online, taking the online
practice quiz several times, and reading/answering the questions in the theory test book which you can find here.
- Making sure I revised and knew all of the topic's within the theory test book helped immensely, the thought of just knowing you've covered most of the topic's will set you're mind at ease during the test.
- Make it you're priority to properly sit down, and have something to eat or drink prior to the matter how small, or how 'sick' or nervous you feel..
- Distract yourself...if the building to which you're taking your theory test, is near to shops find the building first and maybe browse around the shops before hand.
- Arrive promptly....arriving about 15 minutes early will give you enough time to find out which room you're test will take place in, and also to get everything ready without rushing..
- MAKE SURE you have all the thing's you need, you're paper licence, card licence, glasses if you need them etc.
- Have regular loo visit's and also go to the loo beforehand.
- During the test don't be scared to ask questions or to ask for help...usually the test staff are extremely helpful and nice.
- If you're like me you may find that when you 'actually in there' you'll start to feel fine! the ' Well what was there to worry about!' fine.
Driving lessons
Luckily booking my driving lessons wasn't as daunting as I thought it would be! Ringing up a driving instructor to book your first lesson can be the scariest task, but I thought...Everyone has to do this at some point in their why don't I just get on with it now?'..So him up I rang..arranged my first lesson..and AGAIN had the same thought...'why did I just panic over that? Nobody else does so why can't I just be normal?'..
Anxiety can really damage your' self esteem, I constantly thought people were judging me, or wondering what they thought or talking about me or whether my driving instructor would think I was a complete loon for panicking and shout at me or if I was sick during a lesson. I began to think I was ruining things not only for myself but for my family, my boyfriend and also my friends.. The day of my first driving lesson I panicked something awful, and I mean really the point that my mum just had to sit me down and hold me still due to the nerves making me feel so sick...After I got into the car and 'the scary man' introduced himself as Dave I suddenly felt abit more comfortable..he started to build my confidence,telling me there was really nothing to worry about, did everything slowly and at a comfortable pace, and made sure I understood everything going on and taking place.
What if I get scared? I'm sick in the lesson or my driving instructor shouts at me?
- Try to choose a good driving instructor that has been recommended to you,whether it be a family friend, your aunt ,your'll find yourself more at ease being able to discuss or talk about someone you both know or who has been taught by the instructor.
- If you're instructor shouts at you or tells you off for doing something wrong...wait until the end of the lesson, and kindly tell him you don't wish to pursue any further lessons with him..GOOD driving instructors are properly trained to deal and help you if or in case you make a mistake and wont shout at you...even if it costs slightly more to have lessons from a better instructor, it will be worth it in the long run as booking you're test wont be such a nightmare as you will have more confidence and understanding.
- If you' suddenly start feeling sick or too hot, don't be scared to explain this to you're driving instructor...they wont judge or make fun of you, if you feel sick ask to pull over and have some air for a few minutes, if you're too hot ask to open the window.
- Take mints or chewing gum with you - Chewing on gum or mints releases menthol, a good calming flavour/scent, this eases anxiety and tension and encourages you to relax more.
- If you don't understand something, ask the instructor if he/she will explain it for you may find you'll have an easier understanding the second time around.
- Don't be scared if they ask you to drive to a nearby town or city, focus entirely on your driving..instead of panicking over something else or thinking about something else.
- Have something to eat / drink no matter how small it is such as toast or a ginger biscuit..will settle you're stomach, you may find yourself feeling better after something to eat.
- Remember - Look at all the cars on the road....every single person in each car has had to pass their test and to have driving lessons at some point...'everyone's had to face it'.
Driving test
Taking you're driving test is a nerve racking experience, testing you're anxiety to the limit, not only are you already feeling under pressure, you're scared you might forget something, go the wrong way or stall at every turn....getting in a car with an examiner you've never met in you're entire life can sound daunting, but approaching it calmly may give you a whole new mindset.
What if I panic during the test and forget something, feel the need to be sick or go to the loo?
- Treat the test as a virtual tour, you'll be in the same car you took your' driving lessons in, introduce yourself to the examiner and pretend they are your driving instructor..and that its just another lesson.
- Explain to the examiner parts of the car and how they work, how you estimate the doings over other traffic etc, focus on YOUR driving and what parts YOU'RE going to explain that way you'll distract yourself from panicking''.
- If you take a wrong turning , or go the wrong way don't panic, carry on as normal as if you were just taking a normal drive or driving lesson..try to find your way back to the test route, you wont fail, in fact, you're examiner may yet be more interigued that you're able to find your way back and use alternate routes.
- There are plenty of driving test video's online, browse through them a few days before and up to the day of your test to gain a clear idea of what undergoing a driving test is like.
Thursday, 7 March 2013
VIBRANT VIEWS:I'm going slightly mad....MUA LIPSTICK
Hollaa there!,
So this morning I took a delightful little wander into Superdrug..purely by accident of course..and fell victim to yet another MUA lipstick encounter...Thats it...I guess I'm a little addicted to buying lipstick..I find it gives me the same thrill as it would to someone opening their present's on christmas a little bundle of joy could suddenly make everything wonderful.
So MUA lipsticks are by the brand Make Up Academy ( MUA), their lipsticks are £1 each, which is such a good price, and to be honest i would say that the formulas are comparable to MAC ones.
I only managed to buy shade 7 and shade 16 as most of the other colours already seem to have found their pride of place in my makeup collection, whilst I'm far lacking in red's!.
I only managed to buy shade 7 and shade 16 as most of the other colours already seem to have found their pride of place in my makeup collection, whilst I'm far lacking in red's!.
To be said they're probably not everyone's cup of tea, I've usually gone for the more expensive MAC Faux which I became obssessed with in the Bath Haul last year, However these have definately changed my mine and hindsight for the better, dont get me wrong MAC will always remain amongst my firm favourites and departing from it for me would be like departing from a lost child, but I'm glad I got the odd ball rolling and gave MUA a try, they are really genuine lipsticks and in all honesty you do get rather alot for you're dollar. With a smooth creamy application and an almost vanilla ice cream scent.
Still behold my beating heart,
I made a rather nifty discovery that the shades are visible at the bottom, and that they unscrew with a small pot for when you're on the go! Enough to pop in you're handbag for nights out or just a casual day!
Saturday, 2 March 2013
1 week in photo's....
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Vibrant Views : Showgirl hair and lips winter essentials!
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This post is probably abit late considering its nearly springtime! Nevertheless I thought I'd get 'crackalackin' with the many hair goodies I've used and have used these recent winter months time to dust off the products that save our skin.(or hope they do)
Due to my anxiety disorder I chew ALOT of gum to calm me which has left my lips in real bad condition recently, and so lip balm as become a necessity within my daily life.
My favourites are Vaseline ( I had a huge barrelful bought for me for christmas, Nivea Intense repair lip cream & burt's bee's. I always make sure to pop one of these in my handbag before I head out.
My favourites are Vaseline ( I had a huge barrelful bought for me for christmas, Nivea Intense repair lip cream & burt's bee's. I always make sure to pop one of these in my handbag before I head out.
My hair has suffered alot in fair amounts this year, so I've been exploring different conditioners/deep conditioner's to find the best and most versatile one for my ole' far my favourites are Tresemme split remedy, Pantene deep repair & Dove Extra care oil leave in condtioner, I always make sure I deep condition my hair at least twice a week during winter to stop my hair drying out and to keep frizz down, An old party trick..Vaseline makes a great substitute if your end's are feeling a little dry and your stuck for conditioner.
I shall be doing a different blogpost of maintaining healthy moisturised skin, nailcare as well as facial care, although I hope this insight came in a little handy for those twisting their thumbs over winter haircare :)
Monday, 25 February 2013
Hard Cats life?
Hello there....
It's been a while..but I thought I'd take a very sentimental moment to clasp the cheeky' cat moment's of my beautiful moggie' Harry otherwise known as 'Haribo'..
Looking for a playful affectionate cat, he first caught my eye as I wandered along the kennels of a local vets home, and came to the last kennel....he certainly wasn't what I'd expected...barely a year old,lying there, timid and lifeless..with scabs and bites all over his ankles and feet, and straggled patchy fur I wondered if he would end up being too hard work ''Just ignore him...he's a stray we rescued this morning..someone caught him nicking food from the bins' the vet muttered to me...
Then he opened his bright green eyes and watched me...''I think I'll take him'.....needless to say the vet wasn't too impressed.. because he'd been abandoned I expected a drastic fight to kick off when she opened the kennel and grasped his sore body.....''He'has all his injections and necessaries...we'll give him an anti flea jab and stuff but I'm afraid its up to you to clean him up''....
In the weeks following I''d found Harry had discovered an exquisite love of food....You could quite frankly..provide him an entire food haul and he'd eat every bit..Suppose he felt as though he wasn't sure when it would be taken away or when he'd next see food....
10 years on however he's just as playful as he was when a kitten,Hates loud noises and people being upset, loves cuddles,sitting on laptops and paper,attention and pampering,warm places,baskets,, catnip,treats, curry, cat-milk and ginger biscuits...his coat has filled out and is now extremely glossy and black...the scabs have disappeared and he is most definately a housecat....and still to this day he's become the love of my life...many people would probably think me mad...but with a tricky past he has helped me become what I am today...even taking time out of his schedule (accompanied by my family of course!) to visit me whilst I spent time in hospital last year..
So many cats are abandoned each year..whereas most dismiss them as being 'too hardwork'...but if you pick the right one..they might just become a happy part of your entire world...
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
VIBRANT VIEWS: Perfect body?
Ideal weight, perfect legs.....thigh gap?......
It's all obscene, but fascinating how a group of people find something attractive and then suddenly...'if you dont look like that ' or fit 'that category' you're not good enough....and you must do everything in you're power to turn into that beautiful' girl you saw in the magazine last week..
Wanna hear my opinion on this?...absaloute poppycoddles!
There is no state of 'absaloute profection'with any individual, one's body is completely flawless , toned even, not even the most famous models.
Marilyn Monroe and beautiful woman embraced her curves being a size 16, since she first made her appearance the world has fallen head of heels for her, underneath, Marilyn Monroe portrayed that any woman is beautiful, no matter what her size, age, colour, whether you have scars,lumps,bumps, each and everybody is individual, no two the same, ...and thats something everyone should be proud of!.
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Along came Betty vs Soap and Glory?
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Bit nippy today isn't it?...:(
Just thought I'd do a quick nip in with one of my 'trusty' (LOL) reviews on my recent beauty encounters.. Although being the mad, overexcited person I am it was more of a mexican standoff between the two. Kettle on? Fabulous! On we charge!.
Overall I'm fairly impressed with both, after hastily nipping into boots for a 'quick look around' turned into the purchase of The entire Soap and Glory Sugar crush collection...but I carry no shame!.
We then 'nipped' into Tesco for the usual weekly grocery shop and came across the introductory section at the beauty turns out..I just can't stop myself, but after a much prolonged wait Tesco have finally clicked the right button and bought out their own section of Vintage inspired beauty products at a reasonable price, So after careful hour of trying to decide what to buy, I purchased the BB cream and Pore perfect skin cleanser,I am over the moon.
Along came Betty
I'm not really a fussy person when it comes to product but I cannot get enough of the Along came Betty - Pore Perfect Skin Cleanser, I've bought and used it for about a month or so now and have definitely noticed the change and difference to my skin, which has turned out alot brighter and clearer, the smell is just divine The collection, '' inspired by 1950s screen stars and beauty icons.(Perfect for the budding burlesque showgirl!) The products are beautifully packaged and gently scented to provide the perfect pampering solution. The range includes So Much Bubble Skin Softening Bath Soak, To the Skin and Beyond Ultra Rich Body Butter, Hey Sugar Sugar Easily Spreadable Body Scrub, Clean Around the Clock Soft Skin Shower Wash, It’s a Skin Thing Ultra Light Body Butter, Say you Scrub Me Scrubby Skin Polish and The Big Scrub Mitt.''
Soap and Glory
There's only one word I can use to describe Soap and Glory - Sugar Crush = Perfect, I haven't noticed a huge amount of difference to my skin, although the after scent lasts for a good day or two, the scrub however was clearly made by angels, although by appearance looks rather uninviting, I was impressed by the packaging and the quality and amount of product you receive for your pennies however. I'd definitely purchase both again! Feel free to throw in a comment about you're Vintage inspired beauty experiences! I'd love to hear :)
Saturday, 2 February 2013
General Life...Saturday Summary
Think I'll warm up my blog with a heartwarming gesture of smiles, because lazy me doesn't seem to do it with
the others! Anyhoo on with the show! I suggest you flick the switch on that kettle of yours and pop you're spectacles on, I'll now welcome to the crazy, almost maniac life of Vibrant Duchess.
On my weekly browse I've come across alot of bloggers following this ' someday summary ' never have I read or seen before the crazy normal lives which most of the lovely chillies on here live by, So I thought I'd gabble on with my own Summary, Y'know just to fill in with the crowd'.
♥ My relationship with my Dad has improved alot over the past weekend, we've had quite a turbulent relationship over the past year and drifted apart alot, however recently we've become alot closer and reunited with the things we have in common.
♥ On the other hand I'm rather sad to say things between myself and Matt have taken a rocky edge this week, we've been through alot these past few months, and have spent the time working on our differences, alot of today was spent apart to think about things, who knows what time will bring.
♥ I've managed to rediscovered my love for music, I havent had alot of time to just sit and engulf myself in different genres.
♥ I've been drinking waay too much cranberry juice, in fact I just can't get enough of it.
♥ My nephew Cayden managed his first smile today, the little things he does send a huge amount of positivity towards my mood.
♥ Due to my being glum, I' decided enough was enough and I was going straight to the hairdressers to treat myself for a much needed mop has resembled a rather disheveled birds nest recently...although I'm not on stage this season, one cannot possibly be a showgirl with a rank mop!
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